Last Updated on December 2023.
1. Editorial Guidelines – 2. Affiliate Disclosure – 3. Content Quality Updates – 4. How To Contact Us
We Mind Growth’s Editorial Guidelines
Every piece of content produced by We Mind Growth is guided by a set of fundamental principles:
No Clickbait: In a world filled with personal growth-related content, our approach is to offer you quality over quantity. We firmly believe that an attention-grabbing headline is only effective if the content it leads to leaves you satisfied. We don’t aim to cover every single aspect of the personal growth/mental health world or lure you in with misleading titles. Our commitment is to provide information that genuinely adds value to your growth journey, inspiring you, resonating with your experiences, and helping you improve your daily routine, whatever that may entail.
Emphasizing Reliable Information: Every story we publish is supported by quotes or information from authoritative sources. We recognize that some global wellness trends may lack scientific validation, but that doesn’t rule them out as potential topics for coverage. We are dedicated to discerning between evidence-based knowledge and unverified claims, ensuring transparency regarding what has scientific support and what does not. Our goal is to equip you with all the necessary information so you can make informed decisions.
Prioritizing Our Readers: Our articles are created with the primary goal of boosting your knowledge in your personal growth journey. We draw inspiration from our own experience, and your feedback and closely monitor the latest news, just launched books, and more. We are here to serve you and ensure that your journey is fulfilling and informed.
Fact-Checking: We adhere to rigorous fact-checking processes in our content creation. Statements of fact are carefully researched and substantiated. Our articles frequently incorporate peer-reviewed studies and the most current clinical research. When we present information that does not originate from a direct quote by a qualified expert, we go the extra mile to fact-check and provide references to trusted, peer-reviewed studies within the content. This way, you can be confident that our information is well-researched and reliable.
We Mind Growth started as a hobby that I, Simone de Vlaming, still run by myself and am creating articles and other content for. However, I have a writer and editor named Annie on my team who helps me write, review, and edit posts.
Sometimes, we will use AI (artificial intelligence) writing tools to help create an informative, thoroughly structured post. However, we will never post them like that. We still do the research, fact-checking, heavily rewriting, etc. So you don’t have to worry about incorrect or robot-made content because it’s always (completely) edited by us.
Affiliate Disclosure
In most of the posts on We Mind Growth, affiliate links are used. This is stated at the top of the article and never happens without you knowing. If you don’t know what affiliate links are, let me explain this to you:
Affiliate Link: We Mind Growth is a part of several affiliate advertising programs. This means that if you click and make a purchase through certain links on this site, I may make a commission from that purchase. The commission comes out of the retailer’s pocket, and the commission can range from as little as 1% to as much as 15%, depending on the retailer, campaign, product type, etc.
This does not affect you or the product’s final price if you choose to purchase through one of my affiliate links. It’s entirely up to you whether you do so or not. There is NO pressure for you to click on any of these links or make any purchases.
Content Quality Updates
Accuracy is at the core of every story we write at We Mind Growth—but information can change. We regularly re-review and update our content to ensure that it’s reflective of the most up-to-date industry research, but if you beat us to an update, please send corrections to us ([email protected]). At the top of every article, you can see the initial publishing date and the last updated date.
How To Contact Us
All feedback, comments, requests for support, and other communications relating to the Website should be directed to [email protected]. This is also the email address where you can direct your requests to use and reproduce content published on We Mind Growth.Â
Simone de Vlaming, Founder of We Mind Growth
Email: [email protected]
Thank you for visiting We Mind Growth.